Tuesday, March 30, 2010
*. Megas XLR
Monday, March 29, 2010
5. Godannar Twin Drive
Behold the Man-bot of all Man-bots, the Godannar Twin Drive. The series "Shinkon Gattai: Gadannar!!" or translated as "Marriage of God and Soul: Godannar!!", the show is unique, but knows that it was striving to be a stereotype. The series is basically biological aliens called Mimetic Beasts are attacking Earth, trying to wipe out all human life with the only thing standing against them is the Super Robots of the world. In actuality if you watch the series, this is more of a side plot as the story focuses on the love life of various characters and how being a Super Robot pilot can effect that. What you get is my third favourite Anime series. The Power of Love, deep characters, and Super Robot action? What more can you need. Well, for ecchi fans, you get that too. Me? Never really bothered staring, too busy watching this man-bot fuck shit up.
The Godannar Twin Drive, as the name might suggest, is made up of two robots, the Dannar and the Neo-Okusaer. Each robot has a Japan specific energy source that is simply called a “Plasma Drive”. All you need to know is that the engine likes to spin, and that it is located in the chest. When the two combine, the drives fuse together, bringing out an exponential boost in power. How the two combine is really simple, the Dannar opens up, the Neo-Okusaer fold in its arms, legs and head, then inserts itself into the Dannar. Revolver like object then form in the forearms and legs, turning the Dannar red, giving it a larger head crest, face guard, and HAIR OF FIRE.
When the Godannar is separate, the skills they both have are few, very few. The Dannar has literally no signature moves or attack names to call out. All it uses is its pure strength to punch, kick, and rip apart anything that gets in its way. The Okusaer however is much weaker, but much more agile, with the ranged attack “Gravity Bomber” and shield “Angel Wall”. The same goes for its prototype, the Go-Okusaer, but turn it up to eleven. The Godannar Twin Drive does have named attacks, but even then they are few. There is the Spiral Fire, where the Godannar encases itself in flame to defend, Counter Knuckle, which shoots an energy wave via punching motion to, well, counter an enemy attack to get in closer. Besides much stronger punches and kicks, the Godannar’s last attacks are finishers. It first starts off with the “Heart Breaker” where the Godannar lodges its fist into the Mimetic Beast. The Okusaer pilot will then pull the trigger of a gun-like controller which fires a shell from the fist of the Godannar into it. The shot seems to have an effect of organic life, as it turns it into a rock like state. Depending on the number of shots, this can be the final attack, causing the Mimetic Beast to explode or freeze the ground in one case. When the Heart Breaker is not the final attack, the Godannar will fly high into the air and then charge down with a powered flying kick, called the Soul Breaker. The other two variations of the Soul Breaker are the Fire Soul Breaker, where the Godannar is wreathed in blue flame, and the Soul Spin Crusher, where the Godannar does a double legged, spinning kick. Either way, the enemy dies, hard. The final attack of the series is unnamed, simply called the Triple Attack, which is so powerful that it causes it to go through a forced shut-down from over-heating.
Now, just like with the Mazinger, the reason why I love the Godannar is not only its sheer simplicity, but also its style and symbolism throughout the Godannar series. The two main character, Goh Saruwatari and Anna Aoi and the main pilots for the Dannar and Okusaer respectively. Throughout the series, the Godannar is what binds the love between the two, amoung other mishaps and adventures as the characters, not only Goh and Anna but the other pilots from around the world, learn what love means to them. Through trial, error and fighting for humanity, the Godannar was able to go forth in a blaze of glory, in the name of love. And unlike a lot of Animes that are out there right now, Godannar is one of the few where all is good in the world.
TL:DR: This robot is a man and a half, and represents the love that the main characters of Godannar have, forcing it’s way into tomorrow, all for love.
Shinkon Gattai Go! Go-Go-Go-DANNA!!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
6. Mazinger Z

Pilder on!
The father of not only Super Robots, but piloted Mecha in general, the Mazinger is a classic and with recent remakes, cannot seem to die. The Mazinger is originally translated as "Majinga Zeto", with the characters for "Ma" and "Jin" meaning "Devil" and "God". The reason for this is the theme throughout all continuities in which the Mazinger can either be a devil, or a god, depending on the pilot.
In the series, Japan had found a special kind of alloy dubbed "Super Alloy Z", a substance many times harder then diamond. The weird energy source for the Mazinger is called "Photon Energy", barely given an explanation only that Alloy Z conducts it to a great degree, causing to glow. The only explanation I do know however it that the Photon Energy is actually the electrical energy that gave powers to none other then the king of gods Zeus.
With this power and armor, Mazinger battles to forces of Doctor Hell and his army of Mycean Mechanical Beasts who wants Mazinger for him self to take over the world.
So yeah, pretty cheesy story, but can be redone and reused countless times as it has in the past with OVA's, Manga remakes, and the new "Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen!" just turned the Mazinger as a whole to 12.9.
As for attacks, Mazinger is the birth right to the Super Robot standard Rocket Punch, being allowed to call it just that. "ROCKETO PAAAAAAWWWNNCHIIII!"
Thanks to the Photon Energy being conducted by the Z Alloy, Mazinger can also fire "Photon Beams" from its eyes and a Super Heated blast from it's chest called "Breast of Fire". Though in the recent series, the Photon Beam's power has been kick up a notch, being instead his weakest attack, now able to destroy whole mountains. Out of it's mouth, the Mazinger can shoot a gust of wind that has numerous chemicals inside of it that can cause rust almost immediately to any foe. Besides additions to the Rocket Punch and different ways of using Photon Energy, that's almost it. Mazinger does however get a cool jet pack called the Jet Scrander that has it's own weapons, or used as a weapon itself. This Scrander however is nothing to Shin Mazinger's God Scrander, a jet pack that gives Mazinger huge devil like wings, and also allows Mazinger to transform into a massive Rocket Punch, and in actuality Zeus's fist, called the "Big Bang Punch" which typically turns it's foes into light.
Now being the first piloted robot ever, it's statistics are quite low, mostly because of the fact that the Mazinger set the standard so it had no one to compare to besides Tetsujin-28, but that thing wasn't piloted.
Here are the Mazinger's statistics thanks to Wikipedia.
* Height
18 meters
* Weight
20 tons
* Neck Circumference
5.6 meters
* Chest Circumference
13.6 meters
* Arm Circumference
5.3 meters
* Leg Circumference
6.2 meters
* Arm Length
7 meters
* Leg Length
9 meters
* Walking Speed
50 kilometers per hour
* Running Speed
360 kilometers per hour
* Swimming Speed
20 knots
* Flight Speed
Mach 3
* Ceiling
630 meters
* Maximum Lift
150 tons
* Output
65,000 horsepower
So as you can see, the Mazinger isn't the strongest compared to today's standard after other trying to beat this guy over and over again, and then other people trying to beat that. The Mazinger is a classic that is hard to let go of after seeing it in action and easily gets a place to for both simplicity and effectiveness. Hope to see Shin Mazinger 2! after that last cliff hanger. Like really. My friend Liam bugged me to watch Code Geass, and R1's cliffhanger has nothing on Shin Mazinger's. Hell, basically all of /m/ is still raging at that, hard.
TL:DR: Simple yet fun, Mazinger has lasted since 1970 and still proves to be a great overall Super Robot!
Mazin-Go! Mazin-Go! Maaziingerrr- ZET!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
7. Gunbuster

Ike! Ike! Bokura no! Gun-Bust-aa!
The titular robot from Aim from the Top! Gunbuster, this robot was a ground breaking one from 1986. The series was the first time Hideaki Anno was a full fledged director for a GAINAX production, that some say saved the Anime industry. Aim for the Top! was what would setup later GAINAX series in terms of themes, among other things. One thing that the Anime did was bring about what some would call a "Hybrid" Mecha series. This is because the show follows Super Mecha themes like and aliens attacking for no good reason, and that the shows catch phrase was "Hard Work and Guts". But, AftT! had element of semi-hard science, other Real Mecha, battle ships and tactics, but the story also concentrated on the characters and their reactions to thing like being a pilot. The main thing that AftT! started up was "bouncing breasts" as a form of fan service. This latter started the movement that some call "Gainaxing" or the "Gainax Bounce" as many other Anime started using it, though it was originally Hideaki's idea it give the show a sense of "realism". You can say that definitely backfired, sorta.
Now the Gunbuster is, arguably, a Super. This is because, at the time, the Gunbuster was set the record for robot height, standing at around 250 feet. Besides it's height, it's attacks were also numerous, but at the same time slightly plausible. The Gunbuster is actually a fusion of the first two Buster Machines, large space ships, each with their own weaponry. So much money went into making the Gunbuster that it's one of a kind, main reason for cost being the amount of ammo it has. The Gunbuster attacks are as follows:
-Buster Beam: A laser that is shot out of the crest. Can cut aliens in half that is bigger then the Gunbuster, then go on to kill more as the head moves.
-Buster Missile: Shoots hundreds of missiles from the fingers.
-Homing Laser: Shoots hundreds of small lasers from fingers. It can also shoot lasers from many other places.
-Super Inazuma Kick: Using Ether, turns out space isn't only a vacuum, as propulsion and as a weapon, the Gunbuster does a flying kick destroying hundreds of aliens.
-Buster Shield: The Gunbuster pulls out a cape that can block laser beams. In can also block smaller lasers by emanating a shield from its hands.
Buster Collider: When scientists found out that the aliens weakness is being electrically shocked, all mecha were then equipped with some sort of device to do so. The Gunbuster turns this up to eleven by opening up it's forearms, sending metal poles into the opponent, which then sends an immense amount of electricity into them. This can also be done with the legs.
These weapons are all built in, which is why it is considered a Super, but Real because of the pseudo science of the series.
With all this aside, the Gunbuster is also ranked 7th becuase it has possibly one of the most hot-blooded female pilots ever, Noriko Takaya, who's name, hard work, and guts will be carried out 12,000 years later.
TL:DR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gm6czdcp3k
Friday, March 26, 2010
8. Sol Aquarion
The Aquarion is an indefinite homage to 70's Super Robots, but was made in 2005. In the show, Genesis of Aquarion, the robot is made of three separate jets called Vectors that were discovered sometime in the Atlantic Ocean. To combine, the three jet’s start a process call “Unification”, with the lead jet being in the head, and the controller for the Aquarion. In Sol Aquarion’s case, the Vector Sol comes first, then Mars, with Vector Luna attaching to the back.. The “three jet’s become robot” is a direct homage to Getter Robo, where three jets, the Getter Machines, combine into 3 different forms of the Getter Robo depending on the order.
The first thing that makes the Aquarion number 8 is the “Unification” itself. When they combine, the man pilot get a surge of emotions that feels like their ready to axe kick an ox in the head. The females however, uh, let’s see... They act like their climaxing. No joke. And this happens every episode, and for me, it never got old. The Aquarion is having a semi-serious fight where people are about to die, they combine, then that happens. It’s only for a moment, but it’s completely worth it.
Now concentrating on the Sol itself, this formation is probably the main one that appear through the series the most. This is most likely the reason why I like it more, but what can I say, the Sol has one kick ass signature attack. The “Mugen Punch”. With Mugen meaning “Infinity” or “Infinite”, you can guess what it can do. When the attack name is called, the Sol Aquarion’s fist shine fiery red, the arm opens up, and then weird shit happens. It’s like, it fist is attached to this pole thing right. The pole opens up into thirds, then ANOTHER pole comes out of that with the fist still attached. Rinse and repeat, and you have your self a fist that can go EVERYWHERE. The first time it was used, it snaked around the air like a mother fucker chasing after the bad guy. Once it hit him, it kept going until the enemy got smashed into the moon, then the fist detonated.
TL:DR: Orgasmic combination sequences and snaking fists bitches!! You ain’t got jack on this mother fucker!!
Also, Aquarions theme > Everything else.
This is science.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
9. Chouginga Gurren Lagann
Note: Chou: Can mean Super, Ginga: Can mean Galaxy, or in size. Thus, Chouginga: Can mean Super Galaxy/Super Galactic
The Chouginga Gurren Lagann it the product of the hard work and guts of the main character of Gurren Lagann, Simon, to combine the main mecha, who is piloting a bigger mecha, to transform a hueg battleship. This battleship, the Chouginga Dai-Gurren, transformed into the Chouginga Gurren Lagann, who is larger then most planets, by like, a lot.
Now, the Chouginga is a Super Mecha, so description is a lot less technical then that of the Tachikoma. The Chouginga does things that aren’t supposed to make sense, and only to be awesome. Things like, growing drill cannon out of all available “ports”, then have more drill cannons grow out of the grove of those drills. Now have each laser fire every when and where. It also has drills for finger tips to rip your fucking face off, pull off the wicked ass glasses of it’s chest, combine them with the one on its face, then boomerang that fucker at you. At this point, it detaches the hueg drill on each shoulder, place one within the other the make a fucking double drill, then the drill drills you ass to drill heaven, drill.
Now, even with these few major things that most Super Robots can’t do, they aren’t the reason why I like it. The reason why I like the Chouginga is purely because of it’s design. The way it’s cool, navy blue is complemented by the neon turquoise lines. The way the gold drills and horn look, and then those mighty shade that break away from the typical Kamina shades that we’ve been looking at since Episode 1.
This is purely why Chouginga is rank #9.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
*. Tachikoma
Tachikoma's are the main Robots used by the team of protagonists of Ghost in the Shell. This team is none other then Public Security Section 9. Tachikoma's are only seen in the TV Anime verison of GitS, Stand Alone Complex (SAC). Within the series, the Tachikoma's are a type of robot that is normally called an "AI walker Tank" because that's exactly what they are. Their walking tanks with AI that are capable of speech, as they act childish, curious, joyful but when it comes to the job, they know what they need to do. The size of a Sedan, Tachikomas can either walk using their four legs, or roll around like a mother fucker due to their legs having omni-directional wheels. Not only that, Tachikoma's can jump like a mother fucking jumping spider, walk along walls, and have adhesive string launchers (a.k.a. Web shooters). Did I forget to mention that they have thermoptic camouflage?
Normally, these little guys are equipped with a .62x51mm light machine gun built into the right arm, a 50 mm grenade in the "snout", but can be replaced by a six-barreled 12.7x99mm Gatling gun.
TL;DR version: The reason why Tachikoma's are in the Special Tier is because they are WALKING TANKS that can roll along basically ANY surface, jump like the mother fucking Fist Of The North Star, turn invisible, all while they shooting shit up with a machine gun and whatever the fuck you attach to the front, and are technically the comedic relief of the show. Oh and you see dat ass on the back, that's the glove compartment which can fit a whole person. A person who is most likely a trained anti-terrorist who jumps off helicopters to shoot the terrorists like a mother fucker. Did I forget to mention that the helicopter-jumping person is a cyborg? A female cyborg?
Note: Tachikoma's are originally based on the GitS manga mecha named Fuchikoma. Due some sort of copyright issues with using the Uchikoma in the TV anime, the creator face palmed and designed the Tachikoma, which is essentially the same thing in terms of abilities and role.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Top 10 Robots
Made a list. For pics, look dem up ur self if you want.
1. Shin Getter Robo (The Getter Robo Series)
2. Dix Neuf and Buster Machine No.7 (Aim For The Top! 2: Diebuster)
3. Dann of Thursday (Gun X Sword)
4. Genesic GaoGaiGar (GaoGaiGar: FINAL)
5. Godannar Twin Drive (Shinkon Gattai Godannar)
6. Mazinger Z (The Mazinger Series)
7. Gunbuster (Aim For The Top! Gunbuster)
8. Sol Aquarion (Genesis of Aquarion)
9. Chouginga Gurren Lagann (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
*. Tachikoma (Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex)
Tachikoma's don't get a rank. Their in the Special Tier for special Robots, like Tachikoma.
I guess I'll be covering why I like each Mech each day of the week, or so...
1. Shin Getter Robo (The Getter Robo Series)
2. Dix Neuf and Buster Machine No.7 (Aim For The Top! 2: Diebuster)
3. Dann of Thursday (Gun X Sword)
4. Genesic GaoGaiGar (GaoGaiGar: FINAL)
5. Godannar Twin Drive (Shinkon Gattai Godannar)
6. Mazinger Z (The Mazinger Series)
7. Gunbuster (Aim For The Top! Gunbuster)
8. Sol Aquarion (Genesis of Aquarion)
9. Chouginga Gurren Lagann (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
*. Tachikoma (Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex)
Tachikoma's don't get a rank. Their in the Special Tier for special Robots, like Tachikoma.
I guess I'll be covering why I like each Mech each day of the week, or so...
Fuck that last blog
it was dumb.
No not the buburry one, the OTHER one. Yes THAT one, over on the right.
There you go!
No not the buburry one, the OTHER one. Yes THAT one, over on the right.
There you go!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
We're bak
Bak to school.
neid to rember GXS for Derek-chan-kun-sama-rama-sensei.
Also, bro found the Berserker flash that was on /f/ a while ago. Downloaded it to.
Hopefully, dad let's us keep our internet a while longer. It would so block up my RP on our site.
neid to rember GXS for Derek-chan-kun-sama-rama-sensei.
Also, bro found the Berserker flash that was on /f/ a while ago. Downloaded it to.
Hopefully, dad let's us keep our internet a while longer. It would so block up my RP on our site.
Friday, March 19, 2010
My blog
I've never really written anything big on this. It's more been little updates...
Maybe I should just go get Twitter...
Maybe I should just go get Twitter...
Fuck I scored big time.
So there's this really nice Animu store here in Ottawa right?
I just spent $209.00.
Got the complete collection of Ghost in the Shell: 2nd Gig, Berserk, and Karas. Also got limited edition Action Figure only character from Trigun named Gazelle the Peacemaker. Did I mention Gazelle the Peacemaker? He's a black redeco of the normal red. I am SO pleased.
No Gungrave or Cowboy Bebop...
So there's this really nice Animu store here in Ottawa right?
I just spent $209.00.
Got the complete collection of Ghost in the Shell: 2nd Gig, Berserk, and Karas. Also got limited edition Action Figure only character from Trigun named Gazelle the Peacemaker. Did I mention Gazelle the Peacemaker? He's a black redeco of the normal red. I am SO pleased.
No Gungrave or Cowboy Bebop...
Rolled Out to Ottawa.
Got the God of War Collectors set for the PS3. Nice to play the game where my favourite type of battle system came from.
Also, have I ever mentioned how much I'm not fond of cats?
Also, have I ever mentioned how much I'm not fond of cats?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Dunster's, it's time to pack up and Roll Out!
Going to mom's today. Then on Thursday were Rolling Out to Ottawa.
It's pretty much a given that I'm going to get to see the ROM there.
I'd like to thank my morning Bus Driver, and his mustache, for giving me the idea.
Also, a Kamen Rider/Final Fantasy RolePlay seems to be going smooth so far. A little ticks and tacks there, but nothing nuclear.
It's pretty much a given that I'm going to get to see the ROM there.
I'd like to thank my morning Bus Driver, and his mustache, for giving me the idea.
Also, a Kamen Rider/Final Fantasy RolePlay seems to be going smooth so far. A little ticks and tacks there, but nothing nuclear.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sex was great. Also got Derek addicted to Gun X Sword, my most favourite Animu ever. He likes Carlos and Van, and Kame-O. He's already get the hang of the series.
Also remembered that Johnny's B-day was Friday instead of Thursday.
Pretty fucked either way, bro's Trampoline competition is like Thursday to Sunday.
Oh well, at least I can go buy 2 complete Animu sets. Hopefully Cowboy Bebop and Gungrave, and more Berserk.
My ass feels lonely.
Also remembered that Johnny's B-day was Friday instead of Thursday.
Pretty fucked either way, bro's Trampoline competition is like Thursday to Sunday.
Oh well, at least I can go buy 2 complete Animu sets. Hopefully Cowboy Bebop and Gungrave, and more Berserk.
My ass feels lonely.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Oh god
Today, I'm going over to Derek's house and staying overnight. Derek is the man behind Ghebology.
Oh god.
Imagine the sex.
Oh god.
Imagine the sex.
My love for it is like a truck
Well shit.
Ok so a while ago, my dad started thinking that we're spending too much time on the computer again. No biggie, this isn't the first time. What is big was the fact that he somehow blocked most sites that I go to. This meant most of my online manga reading websites and video stuff.
Of course he couldn't get them all, and I found "Manga Toshokan" to read Berserk. I started a while ago and thought it was great.
Thanks to all the spare time I got from the blocked site, I caught up to the most recent chapter.
Berserk is as perfect to me as Trigun was.
Now I know how impatient I can be, fuck.
Ok so a while ago, my dad started thinking that we're spending too much time on the computer again. No biggie, this isn't the first time. What is big was the fact that he somehow blocked most sites that I go to. This meant most of my online manga reading websites and video stuff.
Of course he couldn't get them all, and I found "Manga Toshokan" to read Berserk. I started a while ago and thought it was great.
Thanks to all the spare time I got from the blocked site, I caught up to the most recent chapter.
Berserk is as perfect to me as Trigun was.
Now I know how impatient I can be, fuck.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
So yeah.
Turns out about three of my friends made a blog thing. One of them was for school though. He liked reading whats on them in the past for laughs, so I made mine, for laughs.
All views here are under protection of Ghebology.
If you don't know what Ghebology is, get the fuck out.
All views here are under protection of Ghebology.
If you don't know what Ghebology is, get the fuck out.
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