Pilder on!
The father of not only Super Robots, but piloted Mecha in general, the Mazinger is a classic and with recent remakes, cannot seem to die. The Mazinger is originally translated as "Majinga Zeto", with the characters for "Ma" and "Jin" meaning "Devil" and "God". The reason for this is the theme throughout all continuities in which the Mazinger can either be a devil, or a god, depending on the pilot.
In the series, Japan had found a special kind of alloy dubbed "Super Alloy Z", a substance many times harder then diamond. The weird energy source for the Mazinger is called "Photon Energy", barely given an explanation only that Alloy Z conducts it to a great degree, causing to glow. The only explanation I do know however it that the Photon Energy is actually the electrical energy that gave powers to none other then the king of gods Zeus.
With this power and armor, Mazinger battles to forces of Doctor Hell and his army of Mycean Mechanical Beasts who wants Mazinger for him self to take over the world.
So yeah, pretty cheesy story, but can be redone and reused countless times as it has in the past with OVA's, Manga remakes, and the new "Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-Hen!" just turned the Mazinger as a whole to 12.9.
As for attacks, Mazinger is the birth right to the Super Robot standard Rocket Punch, being allowed to call it just that. "ROCKETO PAAAAAAWWWNNCHIIII!"
Thanks to the Photon Energy being conducted by the Z Alloy, Mazinger can also fire "Photon Beams" from its eyes and a Super Heated blast from it's chest called "Breast of Fire". Though in the recent series, the Photon Beam's power has been kick up a notch, being instead his weakest attack, now able to destroy whole mountains. Out of it's mouth, the Mazinger can shoot a gust of wind that has numerous chemicals inside of it that can cause rust almost immediately to any foe. Besides additions to the Rocket Punch and different ways of using Photon Energy, that's almost it. Mazinger does however get a cool jet pack called the Jet Scrander that has it's own weapons, or used as a weapon itself. This Scrander however is nothing to Shin Mazinger's God Scrander, a jet pack that gives Mazinger huge devil like wings, and also allows Mazinger to transform into a massive Rocket Punch, and in actuality Zeus's fist, called the "Big Bang Punch" which typically turns it's foes into light.
Now being the first piloted robot ever, it's statistics are quite low, mostly because of the fact that the Mazinger set the standard so it had no one to compare to besides Tetsujin-28, but that thing wasn't piloted.
Here are the Mazinger's statistics thanks to Wikipedia.
* Height
18 meters
* Weight
20 tons
* Neck Circumference
5.6 meters
* Chest Circumference
13.6 meters
* Arm Circumference
5.3 meters
* Leg Circumference
6.2 meters
* Arm Length
7 meters
* Leg Length
9 meters
* Walking Speed
50 kilometers per hour
* Running Speed
360 kilometers per hour
* Swimming Speed
20 knots
* Flight Speed
Mach 3
* Ceiling
630 meters
* Maximum Lift
150 tons
* Output
65,000 horsepower
So as you can see, the Mazinger isn't the strongest compared to today's standard after other trying to beat this guy over and over again, and then other people trying to beat that. The Mazinger is a classic that is hard to let go of after seeing it in action and easily gets a place to for both simplicity and effectiveness. Hope to see Shin Mazinger 2! after that last cliff hanger. Like really. My friend Liam bugged me to watch Code Geass, and R1's cliffhanger has nothing on Shin Mazinger's. Hell, basically all of /m/ is still raging at that, hard.
TL:DR: Simple yet fun, Mazinger has lasted since 1970 and still proves to be a great overall Super Robot!
Mazin-Go! Mazin-Go! Maaziingerrr- ZET!
Yeah! Mazinger Super alloy still rocks! This is one of my favorite character eversince elementary days. That's why it has become as part of my collections that I always bought online at PIJ